I think every baby I photograph is the most beautiful baby ever. But Brynnley might actually be the winner. Look at her!
Miller Family
Sweet baby girl being sealed to her family!
Rogers Family
Another of my piano families. I have taught 5 out of these 10 kids, so it felt perfectly natural to say “fix your posture!”
Blonquist Family
This is my second family. I have spent nearly half my life working for them and with them. I love these people!
G Family
Just a quick mini session with a beautiful family!
Myriah is 2!
So fun to see little Myriah growing up. She just turned 2!
Lindy Maternity
I had so much fun with this maternity session. The fall leaves were gorgeous and the parents-to-be were looking pretty good, too!
Claire Maternity Session
My beautiful niece (remember this?)and her family.
Miller Family
Loved taking pictures of this sweet family a few months after their baby girl’s newborn photos!
Claire practicing yoga {Utah County Yoga Photographer}
Claire and I have been working on this for a long time and I’ve been dying to share it!
- lotus flower
- lotus flower
- crow
- forearm balance
- handstand
- 8-angle
- tadasana
- urdhva hastasana
- flat back
- uttanasana
- flat back
- plank
- pushup
- upward dog
- downward dog
- 3-legged dog
- lunge
- warrior I
- warrior II
- extended side angle
- triangle
- pyramid
- half moon
- half moon balance
- warrior III
- sun salutation long series
- sun salutation short series